23 Apr Videos: 1st Look; Prince Interviewed By Tavis Smiley
It has been Prince overload around here lately. We told you that your TV would be turning purple and here are 2 reasons why! Enjoy.-Dr.FB
P.S. as we told you yesterday, you can catch the full interviews on Monday & Tuesday, April 27th & 28th on PBS.
Posted at 00:07h, 05 Maywell i am sorry knot to start this off on jesus christ love but to tell u that when he said she got u he realy meent his outher side of him cause u can hear it and see it loves jut to know thoe in jesus name peace loves
Posted at 18:39h, 30 Apriljesus name love well the singer prince is in ways but so he knows thoe whats in his heart love thoe but to tell u the truth love worhol she is the he has to wach out for u think for one mint that she dont go out like he does love and wha ever eles love she does thats why some times they are togather love and they ceach them in pice togather love but u know my faher in jesus name said u have to realy wach out forthe fine ones cause that ahll they realy are love she is only on the out side but i geuss u to bilnd u cant see tha love but to tell u that they both sat up thair and said it was ahll prince any ways love peace and love in jesus name
Posted at 15:49h, 30 AprilI just watched the interviews with Tavis Smiley. Prince is not who he says he is. Bria seems like a sweet girl so i hope you read this message. Prince has been out with a bunch of different girls in la and he sees a girl in nyc who he was out with on saturday. Watch your back he cant be faithful to one person to save his life. He is 51 years old and still playing girls and hanging out in night clubs, what does that tell you? Dont put all your eggs in one basket be smart Bria he is not the kind of man you think he is. I wish you luck in your career. God bless
Posted at 20:41h, 27 Apriljesus name yes u do know for shure love can see it how daer u sit up thair and say that u dont know but u should remember love jesus christ cause he came in my class room touch me on my shoulder and told me if i didnt stop what i was doing at the time i was going to die love i know it was him in every way u whant to say u still dont know him love but u do ur eyes even say somthing diffrent love as ur mouth to thoe i see ur feet frist love thoe peace love in jesus name
Posted at 20:31h, 27 Apriljesus name well i pray to keep seeing loves to tell u now thair is this fule that is killing off pepolebut my father in jesus name said knot to realy worry bout if loves cause i just pra that i will be in that book of life in jesus name u know cause with out even trying to know him would just realy be nouthing in the frist place but sence thes ware ahll ready showed in ways i tell u thank u in jesus name love just to say in case no one can wach it on thair tv put it up soon enof for them loves peace and love i rather live in hisworld then with out him in mine loves
Posted at 01:20h, 27 Apriljesus name for shure loves thoe he realy knot need to sit up thair and say i dont know when u realy should of knew in the frist place love but to say peace and love to every one if i miss it seen the rest of this put it up for every one to see the rest of it oh ok loves cause we are knot proimesd the slipt secound day or night loves are lifes peace loves thoe loveing in jesus name
Posted at 23:49h, 25 Apriljesus name loves frist then i am going to say he sounds like he is still sucking on that loly pop for shure just like suckinh thoes lips wow such a freak in jesus name loly pop loly pop oh loly loly pop mmmm makes u wounder lusting is realy no good thoe only in ur dreames thoe but jesus christ said thoe that we do know so peace loves oooooooo sorry thoe in jesus name for making love up in hear loves
Walker London Ranger
Posted at 15:36h, 25 AprilThanks Doc!
Due to my location, I’d never have seen this without you!
Posted at 00:49h, 25 Apriljesus love name then i am going to say i ahll ready posted something and now it is gone for shure in jesus name cause u should of knew jesus christ even said that love with his smrakey cute smile in ways his lips u could wach them befor my eyes could leave his feet for shure then that ass far ass i got now to thoes lips on him love to juse to tease touch them wow thoe but in jesus name he should know in jesus name peace loves
Posted at 18:23h, 24 AprilBring it on Prince!!!! been waiting 4 an interview some time now….let me not 4get….u’re looking great as expected.
Posted at 11:49h, 24 AprilI can’t wait to see this! It looks like its going to be excellent.
Posted at 08:27h, 24 Aprilhe’s lookin’ good 8)
Can’t wait to see the show
Posted at 07:35h, 24 AprilPrince is too cool. I know this interview is going to be so nice to watch. I just love it when we get this opportunity to hear the Purple One speak… he articulates quite well. He is exemplary of a man with the highest degree of confidence in “self”…that in and of itself breeds “success”.
Posted at 07:10h, 24 AprilYou could tell the cameraman was itching to do a close up on his new shoes but chickened out each time.
His specs were wonderful also.
Posted at 02:25h, 24 AprilThanks doc, looks like it’s gonna be a good interview! Any word on wether he performed or not??
Posted at 01:39h, 24 AprilLike a vision from one of my dreams….ahhhh….he is 2 fine 2 b here on earth!lol I enjoy each & every one of his interviews and am happy to see that he is doikng them more often.
Thanks for the clips
Dr. Funkenberry good lookin out!I’m on the west coast now!So when we gonna party like it’s…. lol Keep it comin !
Posted at 01:05h, 24 AprilWell ..lets just say it would be interesting to see this in full. Cant wait to see it all.
Thanks Dr. FB
Posted at 22:28h, 23 AprilThank you so much for posting this Dr.F.
Posted at 21:33h, 23 Aprilthanks doc., tavis and of course Prince. I just can’t wait. Prince looks soooo god as he always does….i digging his “new look” and stacy adams like heels. Prince we love you soooo much.
Posted at 21:20h, 23 Aprilsimply: MUCHAS GRACIAS!! Prince es REY
Honey Soul Music » Prince Performs on Ellen + Sneak Peak at Tavis Interview (Videos)
Posted at 19:08h, 23 April[…] Bria Valente will also appear on Tuesday’s show. Watch the sneak peaks below thanks to Dr. Funkenberry and PBS. I can’t believe I’m saying this about a man, but I’m digging the whole […]
Posted at 18:54h, 23 Aprilawesome!
Posted at 18:19h, 23 AprilThose Stacy Adams-style heels are sick!
Posted at 17:58h, 23 AprilI can’t wait 4 the whole interview~ thx doc
Posted at 17:43h, 23 AprilWow, this is going to be a great interview with Tavis. Can’t wait for the rest. Thanks for the tidbits – now I’m drooling all over my keyboard!