20 Apr Bria Valente Set To Appear On Tavis Smiley

Bria Valente To Appear On Tavis Smiley. Photo By....
We hear that Bria Valente will be doing an interview with Tavis Smiley this week. The show being recorded will be at a later date.
Tavis Smiley sent an email out about 2 weeks that he would be interviewing Prince at the end of April, although Prince so far has done no interviews on television so far for the LotusFlow3r project and it looks like Tavis will be no exception.
So from what we know and heard, it will be Bria Valente doing an interview with Tavis only. Just wanted to keep you informed and make sure the information we provide is solid.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 14:46h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 19:40h, 07 DecemberHow does Prince find em? Shes stunning
Posted at 16:15h, 01 SeptemberI would love to see the photography credits for this image!
reality check
Posted at 09:42h, 21 Aprilwho cares to hear what she says? And that is nothing against her as a person or entertainer. I’m just saying TS usually brings people on for a purpose and I sincerely doubt he’s all about her music. That’s kinda shitty of Prince to use TS that way. Unless he’s gonna break out one of those sidemen deals as a surprise.
Posted at 07:16h, 21 Aprilthat is so unkind. There are people that not only like her album but are very much interested in hearing from her. Afterall, the Dr. said she was #3 in the top searches just before Lotusflow3r came out.” Jealousy” always has been and always will be the flip side of “compliment”. Prince likes her…the Dr. likes her….i like her…..that’s all that matters.
Posted at 03:39h, 21 AprilHope TS cuts to the chase..people don’t give a crap about her album, but they do want to know if elixer and how would she rate him on his techniques.
Posted at 17:02h, 20 AprilThanks Dr. for the update….I am looking forward to Bria’s interview…I hope she sing. Tavis is a good place to start….great exposure. I hope we will see more of Bria.
Posted at 15:58h, 20 Aprilnoooo!!!!!!! i like bria but we want prince too:(
Posted at 14:59h, 20 Aprilooops.. sorry “Hope I can see this.”
Posted at 14:55h, 20 AprilThanks Dr.FB. Hope U can see this
Bria, I love Elixer