29 Mar T.I Sentenced To A ‘Cozy’ One Year And One Day In Prison

T.I. File Photo
On Friday a federal judge approved a negotiated plea by T.I’s lawyer, for one year and a day in federal prison. T. I was arrested in 2007 for trying to buy machine guns and ammunition from undercover agents. As part of the deal, Clifford Harris was also sentenced to 1,500 hours of community service and a $1oo,ooo fine. His sentence may be reduced to ten months with good behavior
So what do you think? Fair sentence, or just a lucky bastard?
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Posted at 21:35h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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The Rigoman
Posted at 15:34h, 31 MarchLucky yes? Deserving of a lowered sentence..yes! Even though what he did was wrong and deserving of a sentence, you must admit and give him respect for taking responsibilty of his actions. He never tried to skate around it, he never tried to blame anyone else, he TOOK FULL responsibility of his actions. Unlike soooooo MANY other celebrities that are sentenced, show up to be admitted to jail and then all of a sudden released in “54 minutes” due to supposed over crowding! Now that is a load of CRAP!
Here we have T.I. being a mature adult for his actions and we are going to call him a lucky bastard. Lucky yes! Bastard no! I don’t see any other celebrities like T.I. out there creating a “reality show” to really help teens and at risk youths that are in severe problems. So lets show T.I. some respect and applaud him for taking FULL responsibilty of his actions.
Ok..I am off of my soap box now
Posted at 17:46h, 30 Marchoneyearand7days sonunds better ….
Posted at 02:58h, 30 MarchI’m REALLY impressed with America’s harsh stance on crime!
In the UK they’re only sticking people in the nick for 1st degree murder. The lag will always try for compensation for abuse of human rights, and usually win.
Posted at 21:50h, 29 MarchDefiantly a lucky bastard