26 Dec The Watchmen May Be In Trouble After All: Judge Sides With Fox

Intellectual Property? Fox Wins First Round. Photo: DC Comics
Comic Book fan boys might be shaking in their boots regarding the upcoming movie The Watchmen.
A judge sided with Fox studios that they do indeed own a copyright interest in the movie Warner Bros. is releasing in 2009..or at least is slated to be released in 2009. Not only do they have an interest in it, they have a right to actually distribute it. In the 80’s Fox picked up the rights to the film but dropped trying to make it.
Other movie studios such as Paramount & Universal were approached but none picked up on it til Warner Bros. did a few years back.
Now, Warner Bros. will have to either let the case go to court in late January OR be prepared to negotiate.
Warner Bros. would be making a huge mistake by letting this go to court. The longer this goes on, the more money they are gonna be handing over to Fox. Straight up stupidity for not checking on this before even shooting the movie. They could have bought the rights from Fox for anywhere between 5-10 million and now is anywhere between 10-50 million.
DC comics was purchased by Time Warner in the 90’s, which a huge reason why all DC comics are made and distributed by Warner Bros. The music, television and movie groups all ran under different umbrellas are Warner Bros. could have been the biggest company around. Now, the music division is in turmoil. Gone is the huge television hit of “Friends”. Through it all, the movie side was holding up.
I do feel for the WB in this but seriously, the rights should have been bought before the movie. They should have looked into it. Horrible move as Warner Bros. had no watchmen watching.-Dr.FB
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