Oops, She Did It Again! Britney Spears Returns To #1

Its Britney, Witch!  File Photo

It's Britney, Witch! File Photo

Britney Spears will return to the top of the Billboard charts today.

Circus has sold 500,000 copies in it’s first week despite heavy leakage of the album online weeks earlier.  Britney’s tour will be kicking off in March of 2009. 

 Not entirely impressed with the new music or the lipsyncing of late but she has 4 months to get it together and I am impressed with great she has been looking lately, health-wise and body.-Dr.FB



  • Agent65
    Posted at 11:38h, 10 December

    Boobs look separated lol but other than that she looks hot looove what she is wearing!!

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